Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Metro: Mass Observation Exhibition / Workshop

In my research on the Mass Observation I came across a website called 'Bolton Worktown' which is a great resource ad archive of the original members ( After a few emails I found out that the website was produced as part of a PHD's students research in Bolton. Caroline is coming to the end of her research and wants to make her work more visible to the public of Bolton. She is hosting seven day events in a disused shop in the town center, of which I am running one of them. I began by looking at the archive that she had made available online. I found a really strong image by Humphrey Spender on his revisit to Bolton in the 80's. It was of the demolition of Davenport Street pictured below.

This links extremely well to my project of transient spaces, and could be a good addition to the workshop. Could I revisit this space and exhibit along his findings of Bolton in a state of development. Did he document this space in the 30's? For the day event I intend to produce images at the beginning of the day relating to a theme that I have to decide on yet. Print at the facility's in the shop, then host the workshop around the theme and exhibit the results throughout the day. 

I will use this as a bit of a tester, to see how I could introduce participants to my final project. Would my images work alongside others? How could I curate them to keep with the same ethos of my project? Hopefully this exercise will help me answer a few of these questions. Potentially I could get the workers of the Metro to take photographs in their daily routine. Could have some interesting results, my previous experience with the LAW magazine shoot the Boot's disposable camera had the best results.

I have a bit of a plan for what I intend to do with the shop space. But all this is open to development after I decide on my main theme of the day.

Davenport Street now, seems a little too far for the workshop but will mention in the meeting with Caroline.

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