Thursday, 24 April 2014

Metro: Rochdale 16/04/14

During my most recent visit to Rochdale I began to think more about what I want to say with my images and which images would project these ideas. I am still intending to produce four colour screen prints of the images onto road sign reflective material. But what images will work best? I want to make the viewers aware of the changing surroundings, considering the shift of the new developments from spaces to places, and what effects this will have on the area. I still want to ask the question of wether the Metro is a posotive or negative addition to the landscape, and follow to ask will it actually bring more economy to the area or detract? By mimicking the methodologies of the production of the temporary signs I hope to emphasize how these 'temporary actions yield permanent effects' (Nato Thompson - Living As Form page 100)
  in a very literal way. I may also show these images alongside actual road signs that were used during construction. But the images themselves will also need a strong message. I want to show how the Metro is functioning in the area, and what could change. Relating back to my diagram work on commercial advertising space I noticed a few blank ones that look new. The Metro park and ride had more 'joy ride' and 'doughnut', again a comment on what these new spaces were intended for and how they are actually being used. I will assess the images in more detail when I have got them processed.

Possible found ephemera I could incorporate into the exhibition

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